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Links, Resources, and Information for Inventors |
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WARNING: Some of the resources below are just web sites but others get you to PEOPLE. DO NOT ABUSE those people just because you can contact them. Nobody wants to deal with a flake who has some half baked ideas that he/she is not personally willing to do SUBSTANTIAL homework on. It is STRONGLY suggested that you have read and understood at least 2 books (you pick them) on the idea-to-market process AND that you have studied and understand the prior art and the marketplace of your invention BEFORE you try to convince anyone they should "make you rich" from your idea.
It may interest you to know a few facts about inventing and inventor success. Less than 2% of all patents make anyone any money. Less than 1% of all products on the market are "protected" by a patent. Some 60% or so of all new products fail in the marketplace (that includes from big companies; but not all "new products" are inventions). Probably at least 85% of successful inventors earned their success by venturing (building the company and getting their inventions into production and on the market themselves). When new inventors discover getting into the marketplace is hard work about 100% of them come up with the idea of "just licensing it," 4999 of 5000 get nowhere with the licensing approach.
Welcome to the InventorHome web site. If you're just starting your journey be aware that those who succeed at independent inventing usually take from 3 to 5 years just to start seeing incoming money---but few succeed, maybe 1 in 500 or 1000. If you want to get an edge over all those failures I highly recommend you put some time into studying at least two books on the entire inventing process. Do not focus on just patenting or just licensing because few inventions are worthwhile patenting and of those few that receive worthwhile patents even less are ever licensed. It just so happens you can follow my advice and support the effort and costs of this web site by purchasing, at a discount and with freebies thrown in, quality inventor books at my Books for Inventors: (www.booksforinventors.com) $ web site. Thank you. And don't hesitate to e-mail me or offer a suggestion for this site.